New Caledonia weather map

The weather in most locations in New Caledonia today is expected to be warmer than yesterday, with average temperatures ranging from 19.1°C to 23.4°C.

Weather forecast for major cities in New Caledonia

Location Forecast Now Min Max Chance of rain
South Province Broken Clouds 19.1° 12.3° 19.1° 0%
Loyalty Islands Province Scattered Clouds 23.19° 20.27° 23.76° 0%
North Province Light Rain 23.4° 18.42° 24.52° 51%

Frequently asked questions

What is the weather right now in New Caledonia?

As of now, the weather in major cities in New Caledonia varies:
- In North Province, the temperature is around 23.4°C (74.12°F), with Light Rain.
- In South Province, the current temperature is about 19.1°C (66.38°F) Broken Clouds.

What type of climate zone is New Caledonia?

Most cities in New Caledonia are classified within the Humid subtropical climate climate zone (Köppen: Cfa).

Where is the hottest place in New Caledonia today?

North Province is the hottest place in New Caledonia right now with the daily high temperature reaching 23.4°C or 74.12°F, followed by Loyalty Islands Province (23.19°C/73.74°F) and South Province (19.1°C/66.38°F).

What is the coldest place in New Caledonia right now?

South Province is the coldest place in New Caledonia right now, with average temperatures hovering around 19.1 °C or 66.38 °F.